thomas Fraps - Portrait
Magician, Ex-Physicist & Grown-Up

From Physicist to Magician
Thomas Fraps is a professional magician, ex-physicist and grown-up. He struggled with reality for the first 30 years of his life but finally won. Ever since he travels the world as a professional magician and turns the laws of nature upside down. Especially his alter ego "The False Expert", a special surprise speaker , delights and amazes audiences, at scientific conferences, corporate functions and business meetings worldwide. From an international scientific convention in Munich to a corporate event in NYC or a TEDxtalk . The false expert knows everything about nothing and proves it with increasingly weird slides until he reveals his true identity as an expert in entertaining deceptions, illusions and impossibilites. more...
His background as a physicist brought Thomas Fraps not only a two-year stint as the host of a science show on German TV, a portrait in the scientific journal "Nature" (so far the only professional magician to receive this privilege). He collaborates with psychologists and brain scientists who use magic tricks in the lab to get new insights about human cognition and perception mechanisms. He is the co-author of several scientific papers and book chapters and was invited in 2017 as a keynote-speaker at the first Science of Magic conference at Goldsmith University London. He also gives public talks on the history and art of magic or the psychology of deception and cognitive tricks of our brain. He has won awards at the World Championship of Magic and was awarded "Lecturer of the Year" by the Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences in Hollywood. more...

„Astonishment creates joy" - Aristoteles
With his friend and colleague Pit Hartling he created the science-comedy show "Metamagicum which takes the audience on a four-dimensional tour through space-time, presents inventions from the future and answers questions you never would have asked. The show took them to summer students at the elementary particle lab CERN in Geneva, to science-conventions and corporate events (e.g. Apple). He is co-founder of a highly acclaimed ensemble of ten German magicians "Die Fertigen Finger" which were awarded - among other things - by the late Siegfried&Royin Las Vegas and the Academy of Magical Arts in Los Angeles,

Magican, MC und Keynote-Speaker
Thomas Fraps had guest-appearances in many German TV-Shows (ARD, ZDF, arte, 3sat) and hosted a weekly science show for two years. He has 20years+ experience as an MC of live-events from corporate events to conventions to theatre shows.
What he likes most is to share his special theory of reality and the astonishing magic moments with his audiences worldwide combining dopamine and Merlin into a memorable mix for any event.